The Most Vital Skill You Need During Tough Times
by Susan Shumsky, author, Awaken Your Divine Intuition
Now, in this time of uncertainty, no one can predict the future with conviction. Nor can we depend on anything or anyone to rely upon. We used to be able to count on well-established institutions for security. We could rely on a job that we would keep for decades and a pension to sustain us in old age. We could depend on the banks, our investments, the government, and our health-care system. Our spiritual life was supported by religious institutions that we could rely on.
The world is now a very different place. Suddenly many of us face fear. Some experience desperation. We might not even know how we’ll pay our mortgage or feed our family. Life as we’ve known it is long gone. So how can we plow a road through this dense wilderness? What is the best path to take? How can we make wise decisions in this atmosphere of chaos and confusion?
There is a pathway through this jungle and a beacon of light that can show us the way. We are not alone. We have, within ourselves, a guide that is much smarter and wiser than our mind or ego. That divine guide, our higher self, can lead us through the tangled maze. She is always open and willing, waiting for us to take her hand and follow her beacon on the pathway to glory. All we need to do is call upon her and ask for her guidance.
Here is the secret — the one principle behind everything that I teach: It is to ASK. “Ask, and it shall be given unto you.” Ask for guidance, for healing, for inspiration. Ask to be shown and led to the highest and best pathway that brings your highest good.
Here is how: Sit down and get comfortable in a cushy chair, couch, or bed. Close your eyes and completely relax. Then take a few deep breaths. As you take at least three deep breaths, you will begin to settle down and get still. Then take a few more deep breaths. Get quiet and let go. Then call upon a divine being by name as you speak audibly.
You might say something like, “I call upon Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth and wholeness, to shine the light of truth upon me.” Or you might say, “Lord Buddha, please bring forth divine wisdom into my mind.” Or perhaps, “I call upon Mother Mary to feed me with divine love,” or “I now ask Babaji to bring spiritual illumination into my being.”
Then take a few more deep breaths and ask that divine being to take you deeper. Once again, speak audibly something like this: “Holy Spirit, take me deeper.” Then take more deep breaths and go deeper. Continue like this until you enter a quiet, peaceful state of meditation. Once you are in a deeply relaxed state of wholeness and oneness, then do something people generally never do in deep meditation:
Begin a dialogue with Spirit. Ask for guidance. Ask a specific question. Ask for advice from the divine being that you called upon. Speak audibly as you ask for advice about a problem or for guidance about a project. You might word your question like this: “Holy Spirit, please tell me how to deal with the conflict I’m having with my boss,” or Master Jesus, please help me heal my fear about the future,” or “Babaji, how can I improve my relationship with my spouse?” or “Saint Germain, please give me creative ideas about this project I’m working on.”
Then take another big deep breath or two and let go completely. Then do what I call the “do-nothing program.” Do nothing, nothing, and less than nothing. The less you do, the better your experience will be. Allow yourself to receive the answer to your question as you do nothing while remaining in an open and receptive state of awareness.
Intuition is the most vital, essential skill you need in times of trouble. By beginning a dialogue with your higher self, you can start to receive very practical guidance about mundane problems. At a time of danger, intuition can literally save your life. In a pandemic as the world has been experiencing, receiving the answer to a question such as “Is it safe for me to go to the grocery store at this time?” can literally save your life.
Everyone is already intuitive to some degree. When you walk into a room where a party is going on, you naturally sense some people are shy, others are insecure, some are warm and outgoing, others are timid and fearful, while a few seem to glow with love. When you walk into a building, you can naturally feel the vibrations of that building. Some places feel very spiritually uplifting, or warm and cozy. Others might feel like a tense vibration, yet others might feel scary or creepy.
Since everyone is already intuitive, anyone can develop and increase the skill of intuition. Anyone can open and develop more of their innate clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities.
So the good news is that intuition is a teachable, learnable skill.
Just like learning how to play the piano or learning a foreign language, you can learn how to be intuitive. And just like any other skill, intuition requires practice. So take time every day to meditate and develop your intuition. Practice, practice, practice, and you will develop this skill.
When learning how to play the piano, at first you’ll make a lot of mistakes. It’s not fun to listen to someone practicing a musical instrument. But with practice, you get better and eventually the sound is pleasing to the ear. Same with intuition. As you begin to practice intuition, you’ll make mistakes. You might think you’re getting some great revelation that later proves incorrect. But don’t be afraid to practice and, most importantly… Don’t be afraid to make a mistake!
How to succeed in mastering intuition, which is the greatest skill you need in the time of a pandemic or any other tough time? Practice, practice, practice, and don’t be afraid to make a mistake. To learn more, read my book Awaken Your Divine Intuition.
One more thought: The entire world is now going through a phase transition and hopefully in the future, our world will be a much kinder, more loving place. This time of quarantine has been a unique opportunity for the entire world to take a breath and become more introspective. Those of us who believe that a global lifting of consciousness would occur someday are witnessing this happening right now, as the world family has come together in a way none of us could possibly have imagined.
Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the best-selling author of 18 books in English, published by Red Wheel/Weiser, Simon & Schuster, Random House Penguin, and Skyhorse, and 34 books in foreign languages. She has won 34 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has taught thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her book titles include Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Exploring Meditation, Ascension, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Color Your Chakras, The Big Book of Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.
Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation® — a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For two decades, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was guru of the Beatles. Dr. Shumsky served on Maharishi’s personal staff for 6 years.