Releasing What Does Not Serve You
by Susan Shumsky, author, Earth Energy Meditations
How can you handle difficult negative emotions, seemingly immovable blocks, and stuck energy? Much of the trials and trauma people endure are related to the root chakra, where the most gripping survival issues get trapped. Although tough challenges might be devastating, there is no need to park your mind in that state for even one minute.
When you hang on to traumatic memories, negative energy gets lodged in your emotional body. This also adversely affects your physical body, possibly resulting in a serious disease. In order to release trauma, this meditation can help. Record these words onto your device in a soft, gentle, slow voice. Then playback the recording at a low volume, and follow the instructions.
Please sit comfortably and close your eyes. Please keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Let us take a big deep breath of relaxation. Breathe in . . . And out . . . Take a big deep breath of inner peace. Breathe in . . . And out . . . Take a big deep breath of divine love. Breathe in . . . And out . . . Then breathe normally. Now relax, relax, release, and be at peace. Peace, peace, be still. Be still, and be at peace. Let us take a big deep breath to go deeper. Breathe in . . . And out . . . And another deep breath to settle down even more. Breathe in . . . And out . . . Then breathe normally.
As you settle down to inner peace, you may notice your attention being drawn inward, into a place within the body that needs attention. You may feel some bodily sensation — a feeling of discomfort, pain, or unease. As you sit comfortably, simply allow your attention to be drawn into that place or places within the body that are drawing your attention. Take another deep breath to go deeper. Breathe in. . . And out . . . Then breathe normally.
Now settle down even deeper into meditation. Allow your attention to rest on the place or places in the body that are drawing your attention . . . Do not try to make the sensations disappear. Do not try to manipulate the sensations. Just notice that they are sensations. . . [Record 10 seconds of silence here.] In case you feel pain, rather than resisting the pain, just dive into the pain . . . [Record 5 seconds of silence here.] Think of the pain not as pain, but simply as sensation. As you place your attention on that sensation, it will tend to dissipate . . . [Record 10 seconds of silence here.]
Spend a few more moments now quietly feeling the sensation or sensations within your body . . . [Record 20 seconds of silence here.] By placing your attention on these sensations, you are automatically healing the trauma lodged in that part of your body. Allow your breath to dislodge any further energy in the body that no longer serves you. Breathe in . . . And out . . . Then breathe normally. Again place attention on the sensations until they disappear . . . [Record 10 seconds of silence here.] When all the sensations are gone, and your body is comfortable and at peace, just spend a few moments in that inner sanctum sanctorum, your own higher self . . . [Record 30 seconds of silence here.]
When you are ready to come forth from the meditation, just intend to come forth to inward and outward balance as you pretend to blow out four candles and then come all the way back to inner and outer balance . . . [Record 10 seconds of silence here.] With eyes wide open, please say the following affirmation audibly:
I AM alert . . . I AM very alert . . . I AM awake . . . I AM very awake . . . I AM in control . . . I AM the only authority in my life . . . I AM divinely protected . . . by the light of my being . . .Thank you God, and SO IT IS.
When you cling to worn-out possessions, worn-out ideas, and worn-out relationships that no longer serve you, you limit your spiritual growth. Say this affirmation audibly in a strong, convincing voice in order to remove such clutter from your life.
I now let go of all worn-out beliefs, habits, ideas, and patterns that no longer serve me.
I now let go of all worn-out possessions that no longer serve me.
I now let go of all worn-out relationships that no longer serve me.
I now remove all old clutter from my life on every level: Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
I no longer need to hold on to old ideas that do not enhance my spiritual growth.
I no longer need to hold on to possessions that have been possessing me.
I no longer need to hold on to people that are not enriching my life.
I now let go and invite Spirit into my life.
I now let go of useless ideas, things, and people, And I make way for Spirit to enter my life.
I now invite and welcome Spirit into my life.
Please fill me with deep peace, abiding love, and brilliant light.
Thank you, God, and SO IT IS.
Adapted, and reprinted with permission from Weiser Books, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser LLC, Earth Energy Meditations by Susan Shumsky is available wherever books and ebooks are sold or directly from the publisher at or 800–423–7087.
Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the best-selling author of 18 books in English, published by Red Wheel/Weiser, Simon & Schuster, Random House Penguin, and Skyhorse, and 34 books in foreign languages. She has won 34 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has taught thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her book titles include Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Exploring Meditation, Ascension, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Color Your Chakras, The Big Book of Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.
Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation® — a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For two decades, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was the guru of the Beatles. Dr. Shumsky served on Maharishi’s personal staff for 6 years.